Monday 27 August 2012


To be honest with you, I never heard of the word semiotics until I join Mr. Hardip's class. It was all new to me. During teaching, Mr. Hardip explain to us what semiotics mean. He talked about our surroundings and asking us to picture what we see in it? The point is, do we often ask ourselves why the cloud is blue? Why is the sun red? No right? We just couldn't be bothered because we're too busy with our own lifes. But after realising what Mr. Hardip told us. It quickly went to my head and I start question myself. Why this, why that, what's that? All those sort of questions. Not gonna lie, I was blur and confused. Not knowing what was going on? But after having a group conversation, I managed to learn more things about semiotics. It teaches us to loom deep inside a picture or anything that you see and find meanings from it. It's really amazing how 1 picture can tell a lot things and stories.