Saturday 1 December 2012

Eye shut. Everything happen for a reason.

A job was not what I wanted. What I wanted was a means to make money which I would enjoy doing. If I did not need to have money to survive, I would be doing what I enjoy doing. For the last 2 years I have been trying to find a decent student part time job, but I am either over qualified or not qualified enough for the positions I have chosen to apply for. Could it be I should have been working for myself? I have always had a strong desire to work for myself, and in 2011 my desire turned to working for God. I had thought this desire would be fulfilled by volunteering. I never thought I would find myself looking at a paying job for God, and definitely not one which had a pliable definition, or I could classify as self-employment.

Most recently, after pulling my self-esteem up out of the gutter of despair it was pushed into by job search rejection e-mail after rejection e-mail, I decided to make a go of working for myself and to step out into faith doing the things I know are God’s plan and purpose for me. The result is what I have agreed to do for income is enjoyable to me.  I do not call it a job. I call it my work, and I look forward to doing it. You may not have an aspiration to get paid working for God, but what I did to get to discovering my dream job and some of the things I am doing may be of interest to you.

It took considerable brainstorming, list making, and assessment taking to be able to discover my personal job description and employment opportunity, but it was all worth it. The objective of the process was to build a plan to make income which fit in with my skills, abilities, desires, and limitations rather than find an opportunity to try and fit myself into. I had tried fitting myself into existing opportunities, and all I did was lose money. The most difficult aspects of the self-discovery job process for me was determining my strongest passions, the overall category or categories my passions fit into, and what I would do to turn my passions into income. The second most difficult aspect of the process was defining the tasks of my work.

After determining my passion categories in faith-based social service, I spent some more time in introspective research to define my work tasks. I followed peace and paid attention to my internal excitement meter as I used the results of the interests and skills assessments offered and my personal lists of what I like to do and do not like to do, need to have in my work environment for me to be happy, prefer to do and will not do, need others to do or knowledge for me to do it, and what motivates and demotivates me to determine the tasks of my work. After these first two steps were accomplished, the last step was to search what existed in the marketplace for me to use.

The results of all of this soul searching and allowing God to show me where the peace for me is resulted in my being able to discover the means for me to make money. My interests have me leveraging multiple streams of income by default, but to my heart’s desires I have added affiliate marketing and drop shipping using the tools of Internet, social media, and blog marketing. Maybe one day I will even sell what I have learned. 

Girl I want to show you off.

Last night I had a dream. For the most part, it wasn't really a dream; it was a nightmare. That was until I met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I woke up in a cold sweat at 2:29AM and began drawing. It's now 5:55AM and I'm writing this. After what I've seen, I'm not sure I'll ever get back to sleep.

Let me tell you about my dream...

I was shopping in Carrefour for some new razors when from out of nowhere I saw a man stagger from behind the tampons and bite an elderly woman on the neck. Why she was stood by the tampons at her age, I'll never know. However, that doesn't excuse his actions and I went to investigate. As I began walking towards him I saw a horde of no less than a dozen people lumbering towards me. Now I'm no fool, I've seen Dawn of the Dead, I've seen 28 Days Later and I've seen Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' enough times to realise that I was encountering the living dead. Before they got any closer I had hurdled the Colgate and burst through the fire exit in true Bruce Willis fashion. HAHA 

I ran back home as fast as I could, dodging group after group of zombies. How I didn't see them when entering Carrefour I'm not sure, but the fact is that they were after my big, juicy brain. To cut a long story short, I managed to get home after strangling anything that moved. Regrettably I managed to throttle a small child in the process after mistaking him for a zombie. Looking back I think he was just having a fit.

After opening my front door I was greeted by my housemate, Jesan. However, it wasn't the Jesan that I've grown to respect and love (in a strictly platonic way, obviously), he was infected, he was one of them. I had no choice but to decapitate him with his own pizza cutter. I felt bad doing it, but it really was my only chance of survival. I dashed up to my room and locked the door behind me. I was safe.

This is when I met her. I turned to see a figure in my room. Thinking it was time to slay another zombie, I picked up the heaviest item in reach: a weighty copy of The Bible I was given by some random priest with a megaphone in my home town. I crept towards her, grasping the Old Testament in my hand. I lifted it up above my head with the intention of striking her but as I did so she turned to face me. I froze. In front of me was the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen, ever. I couldn't believe what I was seeing (and still can't, to be honest) as I stood there motionless looking her up and down. She was incredible. She was gorgeous. She was absolutely, genuinely perfect. She smiled at me and said: "Hello, I'm so glad you're here," and then kissed me.

And then, all of a sudden, I woke up. Distraught, I reached down the side of my bed to find a pad of lined paper and began sketching the most accurate picture I could possibly draw. This is it:
I'm no artist. I think you can tell that and I'd like to point out that this picture doesn't even convey 1% of her beauty. The girl in my dream was perfect, this picture, however, is not. Therefore, I must let you know that:
  • She didn't have a weird little pointy nose.
  • She didn't have lips like a fish.
  • She didn't have a lumberjack's chin.
  • She didn't have beady little eyes.
  • Her hair was actually more like Angelina Jolie
Other than that, the drawing is pretty accurate.

I don't think that I dream about people that don't actually exist. Whether they are friends, family, or people that I've seen on television; everyone that has ever been in my dream I've seen somewhere. I genuinely believe that this person exists .